Early in July, I had the pleasure of visiting Leni Fried and Mike Augspurger. Their headquarters, where they both work and live, is a 150- year old barn, in beautiful Berkshire country, Massachusetts.
Refreshing, inspiring, motivating, are just some of the positive words that come to my mind when I think of what Leni and Mike do, what they represent, and who they are.
Leni is an established printmaker; her works included in collections of the MOMA, and the Library of Congress.
Her latest prints, mounted on Chinese scrolls, truly astounded me.
As I soaked in her protest art, her works for social justice, I recalled a shared moment with Leni, at the Southern Graphics Council back in Washington DC in 2005, which was during the height of the war in Iraq and when injured soldiers started to come “home” to the USA.
These buttons are part of a bigger project Leni came up with during those years and when Bush was re-elected. Mike’s Titanium Arts is truly a fascinating international company, which builds handcycles, especially for those without legs.

Both of these talented folk are all about giving back to the community and doing something meaningful for the world. A couple of days with an inspiring couple, in a small, inspiring community. Being with them is truly a moving experience. I am happy to call them friends.

More about Leni and her progressive, self-sustaining community in a future blog.
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