Yasuyo Tanaka’s Solo Show

Art, culture, dreams, Japan, networking, New York, paper arts, printmaking


Looking forward to this weekend, where I’ll be in a room full of art lovers, paper artists and probably some fellow paper junkies.

My talented friend, Yasuyo Tanaka, has returned to Japan for her show in Utsunomiya, Tochigi Prefecture.  The show is called “Transformation-questioning myself“.  The Manhattan based Japanese weekly newspaper called NYSeikatsu, -“NY daily life”, published Ms. Tanaka’s October 9th interview (see pages 19-20 of NYSeikatsu) .  The interview was done in NYC, where she resides.  This is her first solo show in Japan, so she’s pretty excited… I too am excited about her self-transformation via art.   If you can make it there, you can make it anywhere, right?  I am very lucky to experience the real thing, October 23rd at Gallery in the Blue in Utsunomiya City.  For all you readers stateside, check out her beautiful work:

Transformation by Yasuyo Tanaka