A couple of us PAPERWOMEN-on-the-road had a great time visiting Print Club LTD. studios earlier this month. The best part is they’re now in the Providence area!

We loved meeting with Ms. Liz Corkery in her space this time and forging a further paper bond with her. She had visited us at Paper Connection’s warehouse back in October of 2015.
Liz kindly provided clear insight into her process and work involving architecture in gardens. Her “ruin boards” act as a reference and articulate a visual representation of her research, much like story boards in film production.

She has recently received funding, so she is off to the UK in July for research on “sham ruins” and English estate gardens. After her artist-in-residence research time, she will stay on to attend the London Summer Intensive in August. Finally, her work will culminate in an exhibit at the Tower Hill Botanic Garden in Boylston in September, 2016.
We wish Liz the best as she heads to London! Read more about it here: AS220 article.