Nature in miniature – flowers and plants created with painstaking attention to detail, scale, and accuracy – shrunken to half a penny in size. Take a mini look at the artists who supply hands-on techniques with insight to an art form that deserves a second look.
Fascinating, yes . . . Hard to turn away as you gaze at the precision and wonder how long it took to make these mini-creations. Mentioned numerously, one key to good flower making is paper and Mary Kinloch uses our specialty crepe paper from Japan that holds shape, texture, and visual authenticity.
Check here for the more than 4500-member Facebook Group managed by Mary Kinloch called Making Dolls House Flowers in all Scales.

Mary also designs and sells laser cut petals and plant parts through eBay and has numerous YouTube videos on making flowers and plants using her laser cuts and our crepe paper.
Check out SDK Miniatures, Susan Karatjas’ site which offers a wide selection of miniature plants from peonies to cacti. She features fellow artists, including Mary Kinloch.
And take a peek at Julia Tollafield’s piece (below), also made from hand-painted crepe paper for the flowers, and handmade paper for the leaves.

Image-courtesy of Julia Tollafield of Tolly’s Treasures.
Beautiful mini pretties. Delicate and resilient over time in capable hands. From aster to zinnia we can all play and imagine a tiny world embellished with these Lilliputian-sized botanicals.