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FELTED PODS: Vessels to have, hold, and carry

March 30 @ 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Felted Pods Eventbrite banner

3 hour, vessel-building workshop with instructor Hollis Hickerson

Learn the basics of wet felting 3D forms and create a one of a kind soft pod perfect for small trinkets, led lights, and even plants! What’s wet felting? Wet felting is the process of turning wool fibers into felt fabric through applying friction with soap and water. This workshop will introduce two “sculpting” methods: (1) starting with a 2D template to create a 3D form, and (2) using a glass jar as the base form to build off of. Materials included!

This event is open to all ages and could be great for families! We request that anyone under the age of 14 be accompanied by an adult.

Hollis Hickerson is not only a sculptoral felt artist, but a brilliant illustrator that we’re excited to welcome back! Find them on instagram under @horned_hare_studios.


Paper Connection International


Hope Artiste Village, Art Annex
999 Main Street, Unit #109
Pawtucket, RI 02860 United States
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