Welcome to a new feature of Where is Paperwoman? Our Artist of the Month series focuses on an artist who not only loves paper, but implements it in his or her work to astonishing effect. Of course, we may be biased that they use Paper Connection’s paper, but regardless, their vision, approach, and resulting work are most worthy to share with you, our dear readers. This month, we chat with Barbara Green, our neighbor, colleague, and friend. She is an established artist, residing in Rhode Island by way of Germany, having attended school in Chicago and Ohio. Barbara is a longtime member of 19 on Paper, an organization of Rhode Island artists whose works are either of or on paper. She has shown in numerous galleries, museums, corporations, with her collections displayed at various universities, hospitals, and other institutions.
PCI: Tell us a little about yourself, Barbara; what kind of artwork do you do?
BG: Paint, watercolor, oil stick, paper for installations, weaving (shifu).
PCI: What or who has influenced and inspired you?BG: Paper as a medium; Sargent, Homer, Japanese scrolls and prints, contemporary fiber artists, and nature.
PCI: What attracts you to working with paper?
BG: The feel of paper in its various forms: wet, cut, or twisted.
PCI: Sounds wonderfully tactile. What do you like best about working with paper?
BG: Paper has the seemingly unending possibilities to create, from being a surface for painting to a sculptural medium.
PCI: How did you hear about our company?
BG: I was searching for special paper and I also heard about PCI from a friend.
PCI: Did you have much knowledge about Japanese papers before using our papers?
BG: No.
PCI: So how did Paper Connection help you choose and inform you about Japanese paper?
BG: Lauren Pearlman and the staff had great advice.
PCI: Thanks, we try our best! What papers do you use of ours and for what process?
BG: I use sheets and rolls, depending what I am working on.
PCI: That’s right, I remember you purchasing a white striped, (sudare pattern), Lace paper roll and transformed it into a beautiful, graceful installation.

What did you like about those papers that aided in your creative and/or technical process?
BG: The high quality, strength, and beautiful colors.
PCI: What are some of the differences between our papers and others you have worked with?
BG: Western papers are designed for a specific purpose, like watercolor papers, printing. Papers that PCI carries can be used in many ways, not only traditionally.
PCI: Good to know! Fill in the blank, if you had to recommend a specific PCI paper for a particular application, it would be…:
BG: I like your various kozo paper for strength because it is very versatile and comes in various weights and sizes, as well as colors.
PCI: Bonus question: If you could have a conversation with any artist past or present, who would it be? And would you talk about paper?
BG: The National Treasure paper makers from Japan. Definitely!
PCI: Certainly they would like to speak with you too; I would love to be a fly on the wall when that happens. Barbara, thank you so much for your time and sharing with us your insight into your work and paper.

To learn more about Barbara Green, please visit her website. We love her Artist Statement:
“Paper is the support for an image, a construction, an impression. Color, whether watercolor, oilstick or printing ink, enhances the image. My work has been in series. It can be very realistic to abstract as well as sculptural. I am inspired by nature, color, space and materials themselves, such as fine Japanese paper.” B. L. Green
If you are interested in being featured for an upcoming “Artist of the Month”, please contact us at 401-454-1436. Thanks!
Bob McElhose
And congratulations on being Artist of the Month!!!
Bob McElhose
Hi Barbara,
I want to send you a photo of your paper art of snow in the mountains with a copper moon. Remember that?