I’ve been meaning to send photos of books I’ve made with paper from Paper Connection. These notebooks started for personal use (wavy lines green Laurelai Designs), and gifts to friends & family (yuzen blue waves & lokta white floral on lime). I recently started making books to sell (like your blue katazome – a hard one for me to part with, and the botanical lokta papers).
You’ll recognize more from Paper Connection in my shop: www.etsy.com/shop/aetbooks. I also wanted to send a “thank you” for making these papers available, including where they come from and what they are suited for. I enjoy mixing & matching designs, textures, and paper weights. I’ve been jokingly, telling people that I’m starting to make books to sell to support my love of acquiring decorative paper. Actually, there is a grain of truth to this humor!
Hanji is my next experiment and I’m thrilled to discover
a great selection of Korean-made papers in your shop. I’ll be placing another order soon! Thanks again for making all these amazing papers available. Best, Amy T
Editor’s Note: Check out Amy’s site to see more beautiful pieces using 100% recycled rag paper from India, amate, plus many beautiful combinations of textures and colors. Thank you, Amy!
Mixing and matching your papers is big fun! Like making paper doll dresses so many years ago. Missing you. ❤️
Paper Woman