To Japan With Love

As many  of you know, my life is split between Rhode Island, USA, and Chiba, Japan.  I count myself and my husband very fortunate as we were both in the US when the March 10th earthquake and terrible tsunami struck the Northeast of Japan.  Although we live many miles away from “ground zero”, and the friends we know are safe, we are grateful to have avoided the original March 11th shaking, the unimaginably tall tidal wave hitting the coast, the continual aftershocks, and of course the many destruction problems that ensue.

As the days go on, we pray and hope for the safety of our neighbors to the north and the Japanese people.  In limbo in California for the past week, with flights canceled, hotels switched, last minute calls to friends there, we made the very difficult decision for me to return to Rhode Island.  As I await for the flight back to the US  NorthEast , I can’t help but be grateful for the opportunity to be with my other family stateside and the security there.   On the other hand, my thoughts and heart stay in Japan, where I would like to be doing my part to help support those in need.

Rainy Day Letterpress, Japan Relief on Etsy

Ironically, I came across this handmade paper, what else, cut out by Tomoko Shioyasu, entitled Vortex, showing at the Japan Society right now.

It’s beautiful and tragic at the same time, how you can resonate with such creativity, perhaps with the artist not even knowing how much their talent will have an impact on their audience…

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  • Cheryl Burke
    Cheryl Burke

    Glad to hear that you and your husband and everyone at Paper Connection are okay! My thoughts are with Japan.

  • Ruth

    I’m happy to hear that you and your friends and family are safe Lauren, I was wondering about Japanese papermakers and whether they were affected, I’m glad you were able to inform us about it –

    Also that papercut by Tomoko Shioyasu is so cool! I saw a papercut show in NYC last April (called “Slash” maybe?) and it’s amazing! I don’t really have the patience for it.

  • elaine

    Your blog is gorgeous, Lauren. Keep going!