Eco-Conscious in France

Art, being green, Book Arts, decorataive arts, fiber arts, nature, paper arts, recycling, travel


Have you ever been to Urciers, France?

I have not myself, but became curious about the place upon hearing about it from one of my colleagues.   She recently sold some fabric online to a customer there, and referred me to some pretty cool happenings in the center of France.

What most peaked my interest is a charming B&B  Sagrolle, where you can make paper out of recycled materials and plant fibers, as well as paint with earth pigments. Other workshops include mixed media and collage, as you immerse yourself in French country living.

Wouldn’t you love to vacation in a charming B&B in rural France, and hand make some paper to boot?

Shown below are some works by Debbie at Sagrolle. You can find more at her art site art-studio-36.  She  is currently working on making paper using a totally sustainable source of  willow fiber.  And as a truly green, earth-loving artist would do, she intends to convert the leftover hardwood branch cores into artist charcoal.

We look forward to seeing  the new works soon.  Go Debbie!
