Scandavian Influence.

Art, inspiration, Japan, travel, Uncategorized


While I am in Japan, I am away from the hectic buzz of the Providence office.  Which I miss, mind you.  When I am sleeping  in Japan,  my staff is plugging away with orders, faxes, emails, and phone calls.   And then, we switch…..  as I am on a roll designing the next big Laurelai patterns, my staff rests their weary eyes.

In between these hours, I get to squeeze in time to be inspired, and look up what I have been meaning to check out online.

One event was Helsinki Design Week. Yes it was back in April, but better late than never to check out the amazing work by designers all over the globe.   I couldn’t help but think of our Asanoha Lace and other Lace Papers when I saw this tile by Niina Aalto:

Another designer who stood out was Oiva Toikka, who seems like a renaissance man! Check out his work:

So I cannot make Helsinki this time around, maybe next year?

Dare I show the next big Laurelai collection?

Found via wallpaper.