Dear Reader, Thank You




I wanted to do this on an individual basis, but wasn’t sure how…so I just wanted to send a warm and sincere THANK YOU to all who are following this blog…it’s very encouraging!

I have always endeavored to champion those who keep the Japanese paper making methods alive. Sustaining the environment, the tradition, the culture, the paper arts, and so much more, it’s imperative for me to keep this mission going.  A year after the tragic earthquake in Japan, this mission has become even more important to me, because it involves not just a tradition, but people, families, livelihoods. We all make sure we do not take anything for granted: health, family, friends, loved ones, even staying warm on a chilly day. I’m sure you all feel the same way, and I know you show it.

Perhaps you may feel taking five minutes to read a blog about handmade paper doesn’t add up to much at the end of the day, but for me, it motivates me. It’s encouraging to know you appreciate the paperworld I journal…and I want to thank you for it. 

